You searched for FX tagged as "bell", sorted alphabetically 33 results found. | |
♫ DING DONGa police chief ringing Johnny Storm's doorbell Strange Tales (1951) #112 Marvel, September 1963 "The Living Bomb" Lettered by: Sam Rosen Written by: Jerry Siegel Pencilled by: Dick Ayers [show tags] bell, ding, dong, door, doorbell, Human Torch (Johnny Storm), notes, police, ring, superhero, [hide tags] |  |
BBRINNGa traveling salesman ringing a doorbell Love Romances (1949) #100 Marvel, July 1962 "My Life, My Love!" Lettered by: Artie Simek Written by: unknown Pencilled by: Jack Kirby [show tags] |  |
BONG! BONG!Mole Man pulling on a cord to summon Giganto on Monster Island Fantastic Four (1961) #1 Marvel, November 1961 "The Fantastic Four!" Lettered by: Artie Simek Written by: Stan Lee Pencilled by: Jack Kirby [show tags] bell, bong, cord, Giganto (monster), gong, Marvel monster, Mole Man, monster, Monster Island, pull, superhero, [hide tags] |  |
BRIN-N-NG!a Baxter Building alarm bell ringing Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #1 Marvel, March 1963 "Spider-Man vs. the Chameleon!" Lettered by: John Duffy Written by: Stan Lee Pencilled by: Steve Ditko [show tags] | |
BRIN-NGa Baxter Building alarm bell ringing Fantastic Four Annual (1963) #1 Marvel, 1963 "The Fabulous Fantastic Four Meet Spider-Man!" Lettered by: Ray Holloway Written by: Stan Lee Pencilled by: Jack Kirby [show tags] |  |
BRINNNG!a school bell ringing Kathy (1959) #23 Marvel, June 1963 "The Best-Dressed Gal in School!" Lettered by: unknown Written by: Stan Lee Pencilled by: Stan Goldberg [show tags] |  |
BRRINGa school bell ringing Kathy (1959) #20 Marvel, December 1962 "What the Teacher Didn't Teach 'Er!" Lettered by: unknown Written by: Stan Lee Pencilled by: Stan Goldberg [show tags] |  |
BRRINGa talent scout ringing Millie the Model's doorbell Life With Millie (1960) #18 Marvel, August 1962 "Meet Miss Filter-Tip" Lettered by: unknown Written by: Stan Lee Pencilled by: Stan Goldberg [show tags] |  |
BRRINNGthe Thing ringing Johnny Storm's doorbell Strange Tales (1951) #101 Marvel, October 1962 "The Human Torch" Lettered by: Artie Simek Written by: Larry Lieber Pencilled by: Jack Kirby [show tags] |  |
BRRRING!Ricky Brown ringing Kathy Carter's doorbell Kathy (1959) #21 Marvel, February 1963 "Kathy's Saturday Night Surprise!" Lettered by: unknown Written by: Stan Lee Pencilled by: Stan Goldberg [show tags] |  |
BRRRING!Ricky Brown ringing Kathy Carter's doorbell Kathy (1959) #21 Marvel, February 1963 "Kathy's Saturday Night Surprise!" Lettered by: unknown Written by: Stan Lee Pencilled by: Stan Goldberg [show tags] |  |
BRRRING!Ronnie Robbins ringing Hedy Wolfe's doorbell Patsy and Hedy (1952) #83 Marvel, August 1962 "Marriage on their Minds!" Lettered by: unknown Written by: Stan Lee Pencilled by: Al Hartley [show tags] |  |
BRRRRING!Hedy Wolfe ringing Patsy Walker's doorbell Patsy and Hedy (1952) #79 Marvel, December 1961 No Title Lettered by: Artie Simek Written by: Stan Lee Pencilled by: Al Hartley [show tags] |  |
CLANNNGa Baxter Building alarm bell ringing Fantastic Four (1961) #11 Marvel, February 1963 "A Visit With the Fantastic Four" Lettered by: Artie Simek Written by: Stan Lee Pencilled by: Jack Kirby [show tags] |  |