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52 results found.

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Millie the Model expressing surprise and confusion

Millie the Model Annual (1962) #2
Marvel, 1963

"Girl Talk!"
Lettered by: Sam Rosen
Written by: Stan Lee
Pencilled by: Stan Goldberg

[show tags]

!, ?, confusion, humor, Millie the Model, punctuation, surprise


Nancy Brown verbally expressing surprise and confusion

Patsy Walker (1945) #109
Marvel, September 1963

"Patsy's Troublesome Twin!"
Lettered by: Artie Simek
Written by: Stan Lee
Pencilled by: Al Hartley

[show tags]

!, ?, confusion, humor, punctuation, surprise, verbal

!!???!!! ! !! !!

Sgt. Fury berating Dum-Dum Dugan

Sgt. Fury (1963) #1
Marvel, May 1963

"Sgt. Fury, and his Howling Commandoes"
Lettered by: Artie Simek
Written by: Stan Lee
Pencilled by: Jack Kirby

[show tags]

!, ?, berate, curse, Dum-Dum Dugan, Howling Commandos, military, Nick Fury, punctuation, Sgt. Fury, verbal, war, yell


a police dog reacting as he picks up a scent

Adventure Comics (1938) #109
DC, October 1946

No Title
Lettered by: Phil Berube
Written by: Phil Berube
Pencilled by: Phil Berube

[show tags]

!, ?, curiosity, dog, humor, police, punctuation, smell


Human Torch verbally expressing confusion as the Eel electrocutes him

Strange Tales (1951) #112
Marvel, September 1963

"The Living Bomb"
Lettered by: Sam Rosen
Written by: Jerry Siegel
Pencilled by: Dick Ayers

[show tags]

!, ?, confusion, Eel (Leopold Stryke), electricity, electrocute, Human Torch (Johnny Storm), punctuation, shock, superhero, verbal


Doodle verbally expressing confusion

Adventure Comics (1938) #105
DC, June 1946

No Title
Lettered by: Lit-Win
Written by: Lit-Win
Pencilled by: Lit-Win

[show tags]

?, confusion, Daffy and Doodle, humor, punctuation, verbal


a worm verbally expressing surprise

Adventure Comics (1938) #110
DC, November 1946

No Title
Lettered by: unknown
Written by: Jack Callahan
Pencilled by: Jack Callahan

[show tags]

?, animal, humor, punctuation, surprise, verbal, worm


Adventures of Bob Hope (1950) #60
DC, January 1960

Lettered by: unknown
Written by: Cal Howard
Pencilled by: Owen Fitzgerald

[show tags]

?, punctuation, verbal


Tad Carter expressing surprise

Amazing Adult Fantasy (1961) #14
Marvel, July 1962

"The Man in the Sky!"
Lettered by: unknown
Written by: Stan Lee
Pencilled by: Steve Ditko

[show tags]

?, mutant, punctuation, superhero, surprise, Tad Carter


a pirate expressing surprise

Fantastic Four (1961) #5
Marvel, July 1962

"Prisoners of Doctor Doom!"
Lettered by: Artie Simek
Written by: Stan Lee
Pencilled by: Jack Kirby

[show tags]

?, pirate, punctuation, superhero, surprise


a wrestler expressing surprise as the Thing lifts him

Fantastic Four (1961) #14
Marvel, May 1963

"The Merciless Puppet Master"
Lettered by: Artie Simek
Written by: Stan Lee
Pencilled by: Jack Kirby

[show tags]

?, Fantastic Four, lift, punctuation, super-strength, superhero, surprise, Thing


Vera Velvet verbally expressing confusion

Kathy (1959) #16
Marvel, April 1962

"There Ain't Nothin' Like a Teen!"
Lettered by: unknown
Written by: Stan Lee
Pencilled by: Stan Goldberg

[show tags]

?, confusion, humor, punctuation, Vera Velvet, verbal


Millie the Model expressing confusion

Life With Millie (1960) #16
Marvel, April 1962

"Millie vs Marilyn Mansfield"
Lettered by: unknown
Written by: Stan Lee
Pencilled by: Stan Goldberg

[show tags]

?, confusion, humor, Millie the Model, punctuation


a ski instructor expressing curiosity

Millie the Model Comics (1945) #108
Marvel, May 1962

"She's on Skiis!"
Lettered by: unknown
Written by: Stan Lee
Pencilled by: Stan Goldberg

[show tags]

?, curiosity, humor, punctuation


Click Holbrook expressing confusion

Millie the Model Comics (1945) #113
Marvel, March 1963

"Millie's New Boss"
Lettered by: unknown
Written by: Stan Lee
Pencilled by: Stan Goldberg

[show tags]

?, Clicker Holbrook, confusion, humor, punctuation


a worm verbally expressing surprise

More Fun Comics (1936) #105
DC, September 1945

No Title
Lettered by: unknown
Written by: Lit-Win
Pencilled by: Lit-Win

[show tags]

?, animal, humor, punctuation, surprise, verbal, worm


Tubs Wilson expressing confusion

Patsy and Hedy (1952) #79
Marvel, December 1961

No Title
Lettered by: Artie Simek
Written by: Stan Lee
Pencilled by: Al Hartley

[show tags]

?, humor, punctuation, Tubs Wilson


Hedy Wolfe verbally expressing confusion

Patsy and Hedy (1952) #79
Marvel, December 1961

No Title
Lettered by: Artie Simek
Written by: Stan Lee
Pencilled by: Al Hartley

[show tags]

?, Hedy Wolfe, humor, punctuation, verbal


Patsy Walker expressing surprise and confusion

Patsy and Hedy (1952) #80
Marvel, February 1962

No Title
Lettered by: unknown
Written by: Stan Lee
Pencilled by: Al Hartley

[show tags]

?, confusion, humor, Patsy Walker, punctuation, surprise


Patsy Walker verbally expressing confusion

Patsy Walker (1945) #101
Marvel, June 1962

No Title
Lettered by: unknown
Written by: Stan Lee
Pencilled by: Al Hartley

[show tags]

?, confusion, humor, Patsy Walker, punctuation, verbal
Pictures are the copyrighted material of their respective publishers or current rights holders. Used for nonprofit educational purposes.