You searched for FX tagged as "?", sorted alphabetically 52 results found. | |
!!??Nancy Brown verbally expressing surprise and confusion Patsy Walker (1945) #109 Marvel, September 1963 "Patsy's Troublesome Twin!" Lettered by: Artie Simek Written by: Stan Lee Pencilled by: Al Hartley [show tags] |  |
!!???!!! ! !! !!Sgt. Fury berating Dum-Dum Dugan Sgt. Fury (1963) #1 Marvel, May 1963 "Sgt. Fury, and his Howling Commandoes" Lettered by: Artie Simek Written by: Stan Lee Pencilled by: Jack Kirby [show tags] !, ?, berate, curse, Dum-Dum Dugan, Howling Commandos, military, Nick Fury, punctuation, Sgt. Fury, verbal, war, yell, [hide tags] |  |
!?!Human Torch verbally expressing confusion as the Eel electrocutes him Strange Tales (1951) #112 Marvel, September 1963 "The Living Bomb" Lettered by: Sam Rosen Written by: Jerry Siegel Pencilled by: Dick Ayers [show tags] !, ?, confusion, Eel (Leopold Stryke), electricity, electrocute, Human Torch (Johnny Storm), punctuation, shock, superhero, verbal, [hide tags] |  |
?a pirate expressing surprise Fantastic Four (1961) #5 Marvel, July 1962 "Prisoners of Doctor Doom!" Lettered by: Artie Simek Written by: Stan Lee Pencilled by: Jack Kirby [show tags] |  |
?a wrestler expressing surprise as the Thing lifts him Fantastic Four (1961) #14 Marvel, May 1963 "The Merciless Puppet Master" Lettered by: Artie Simek Written by: Stan Lee Pencilled by: Jack Kirby [show tags] |  |
?Vera Velvet verbally expressing confusion Kathy (1959) #16 Marvel, April 1962 "There Ain't Nothin' Like a Teen!" Lettered by: unknown Written by: Stan Lee Pencilled by: Stan Goldberg [show tags] |  |
?Millie the Model expressing confusion Life With Millie (1960) #16 Marvel, April 1962 "Millie vs Marilyn Mansfield" Lettered by: unknown Written by: Stan Lee Pencilled by: Stan Goldberg [show tags] |  |