You searched for FX tagged as "Invisible Girl", sorted alphabetically 7 results found. | |
CREAKa door creaking as Invisible Girl opens it Fantastic Four (1961) #8 Marvel, November 1962 "Prisoners of the Puppet Master!" Lettered by: Artie Simek Written by: Stan Lee Pencilled by: Jack Kirby [show tags] |  |
GRRR!a dog growling at Invisible Girl Fantastic Four (1961) #3 Marvel, March 1962 "The Menace of the Miracle Man" Lettered by: Artie Simek Written by: Stan Lee Pencilled by: Jack Kirby [show tags] |  |
POP!Invisible Girl shrinking as Doctor Doom's molecular ray strikes her Fantastic Four (1961) #16 Marvel, July 1963 "The Micro-World of Doctor Doom!" Lettered by: Artie Simek Written by: Stan Lee Pencilled by: Jack Kirby [show tags] |  |
RAK TAC TAC TAC TACcosmic rays bombarding the Fantastic Four's spaceship, heard from within Fantastic Four (1961) #1 Marvel, November 1961 "The Fantastic Four!" Lettered by: Artie Simek Written by: Stan Lee Pencilled by: Jack Kirby [show tags] cool, cosmic ray, Fantastic Four, hull, Invisible Girl, origin, rocketship, space, spaceship, superhero, Thing, [hide tags] | |
RRRWOOFF!a dog barking at Invisible Girl Fantastic Four (1961) #3 Marvel, March 1962 "The Menace of the Miracle Man" Lettered by: Artie Simek Written by: Stan Lee Pencilled by: Jack Kirby [show tags] |  |
SIGHInvisible Girl sighing Fantastic Four (1961) #15 Marvel, June 1963 "The Mad Thinker and his Awesome Android!" Lettered by: Artie Simek Written by: Stan Lee Pencilled by: Jack Kirby [show tags] |  |
SLAM!Invisible Girl slamming a door shut Fantastic Four (1961) #17 Marvel, August 1963 "Defeated by Doctor Doom!" Lettered by: Artie Simek Written by: Stan Lee Pencilled by: Jack Kirby [show tags] |  |